Friday, December 25, 2020





At a glance, you might mistake Maca for a male-only supplement, but maca has been used by women for centuries with as many benefits as men. This herb is most popular for its role as an aphrodisiac to help impotence (erectile dysfunction) and increase sperm count. But maca is much more than that: it can increase stamina for work and sports, improve muscle tone, and fight hormone-based problems like male-pattern baldness, acne, and facial hair (on women).


At a glance, you might mistake Maca for a male-only supplement, but maca has been used by women for centuries with as many benefits as men. This herb is most popular for its role as an aphrodisiac to help impotence (erectile dysfunction) and increase sperm count. But maca is much more than that: it can increase stamina for work and sports, improve muscle tone, and fight hormone-based problems like male-pattern baldness, acne, and facial hair (on women).


How Maca Works 



With age and stress, your endocrine system stops producing enough hormones to keep you functioning at your best, this means lower energy levels and reduced physical strength and stamina. You may find it harder and harder to both work and play. Maca signals the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to “reset” your body, so that your endocrine glands (testes, ovaries, pancreas, thyroid) begin producing hormones at an optimal, youthful level.


Hormones are not just for sex; they determine everything that happens in your body including moods, energy levels, muscle mass, weight gain, sleep, alertness, and every aspect of your health. In beginning science classes, hormones are usually described as messengers because they are used to transmit signals and information between organs and organ systems. 

Introducing Forever Living Multi-Maca

Maca is used to correct hormonal imbalances in women which are responsible for symptoms of PMS/PMT and menopause such as abdominal cramps, acne, low blood sugar (cravings), hot flashes, and depression (from low estrogen). Because maca stimulates your body to produce the right quantities of hormones, you can be less reliant on hormone pills or injections which can have long-term negative effects.


Because modern women often juggle work, children, and housework for years on end, fatigue is a common problem that seriously detracts from productivity and enjoyment of life. Maca can help by improving your stamina and ability to cope with stress.


For couples trying to have a baby, chances of conception may be improved when both partners use Maca. Not only can maca increase sperm count and potency, it can suppress ailments of the female reproductive system such as ovarian cysts and urinary tract infections, and prolong the life-phase of fertility. (Consult your doctor if you are receiving fertility treatments.)


Is Maca Supplementation Safe for Both Men and Women? 


Maca has been used as a food staple (not just for medicinal purposes) for hundreds of years and is considered to have a high degree of safety. The only known concern with maca intake is that some individuals have difficulty digesting the root and may get an upset stomach. Avoid this potential issue by always taking maca with food. 


Women sometimes experience acne when starting supplementation with too much maca. This side-effect usually disappears in time and continued maca supplementation improves skin health in the long run.

 However, as acne can be an inconvenient and embarrassing condition, we recommend that you start with a smaller dose than the recommended amount and gradually increase as you become accustomed to the herb.




Vitolize Men’s Vitality Supplement 


Chronic inflammation, stemming from unhealthy cycle can lead to some

very serious health conditions. foe men, prostate health is near the top of the list of health concerns that can arise from poor health. If this walnut-sized gland is not cared for, it can lead to urinary problems, sexual dysfunction, or any a number of other prostate concerns. 


Vitolize Men’s Vitality Supplement combined with a healthy diet and exercise, offers a natural solution to support prostate health. This unique, comprehensive formulation supplies a highly effective blend of potent herbs, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help support normal urinary flow, testicular function, and encourage optimal prostate health.


These essential nutrients have been balanced in their correct ratios to ensure optimal health and synergistic function between these nutrients.


Deficiencies in many of these essential nutrients affect hormone production and need to be replaced if diet alone isn’t enough. Vitolize Men’s Vitality Supplement makes maintaining healthy hormone production and need to be replaced if diet alone isn’t enough. Vitolize Men’s Vitality Supplement makes maintaining healthy hormone production and supporting healthy hormone production and supporting a healthy prostate a priority no matter your age.


Vitolize Women’s Vitality Supplement


Vitolize for women aims to prevent the unwanted symptoms and effects associated with hormonal issues and menopause. Vitolize for women is a great way to improve your overall feminine health, putting an end to irritating issues which can affect the female body in later life. 

Forever Vitolize for women is an easy way to help you look after your female health as you grow older. 

From menopausal issues to hormonal changes, Vitolize will help you combat the changes in feminine health which can be brought about by age.






            MINIMUM PACKAGE Ghc 370     


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